Loot from 500KC at Phantom Muspah. . The Muspah are creatures brought into the world from the nightmares of Mah, an Elder God and one of the 5 beings that created the Universe. The fortified Masori body is an upgraded variant of the Masori body. 7K subscribers Join Subscribe 771 35K views 1. Walk Straight Pray True is a master combat achievement which requires the player to kill the Phantom Muspah without taking any avoidable damage during the fight. . To compensate, we've reverted the accuracy nerf we included with last week's hotfix. The Phantom Muspah just arrived in OSRS and today I am bringing you a guide on how to use only the BOFA and get some easy loot. · A safe spot exists for the Charged Clouds attack. If he moves during the attack, and you pray melee, you take 0 damage. Killing Phantom Muspah (Twisted bow) < Money making guide The listed profit rate assumes 20 kills per hour, but up to 26 is possible with maxed stats and gear. When opened, it gives a reward from the Muspah's drop table. Add comment. Phantom muspah. Killing the boss is another OSRS gold making method. Make sure the "Ground Markers" plugin is enabled on RuneLite with "Remember color per tile" enabled. Phantom Muspah. GayVegan. yep1Up Plugins [PVP][PVM] (New Plugin) Phantom Muspah - Auto PrayerElidinis' ward (f) is a magical shield requiring 80 Magic, Defence, and Prayer to equip. Powered by OSRSBox. Spike walk-on damage. Hi, I am struggling with the new boss and I'm not sure where I am going wrong. It is one of two. I was doing mini vetion and died to a pker, there was a coffin with my myth cape and I didn't bother going to grab it and went to do muspah instead, died at muspah and ALL my loot went into the coffin that was in the wildy lmao (I checked deaths office first ofc) running back to bank with a quarter of my bank worth of gear was pretty scary. Players can right click "Metamorphosis" to change between its ranged, melee, and shielded forms, providing they have used a charged ice on it to unlock the latter two forms. Be careful on corners. The bow of Faerdhinen (/ ˈ f aɪ θ ɪ n eɪ n / FY-thin-ayn) is a magical bow that once belonged to Faerdhinen, an elite elven warrior. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up , it unlocks many cool features!Low effort range only strategy to the Phantom Muspah boss in OSRSI recommend at least an arma cbow, f bow, or t bow and 90 range for this one if you're looki. Today I to test out the new boss in OSRS called the Phantom Muspah. Even higher kills per hour can be achieved by using magic during the melee. It can. After consulting a natural historian and. Yep, it's Muspah time. Seat: reclined. Smite Skip Guide P. See here for details of the fight. Phantom Muspah Guide - Low Level Setup w/ Safe Spot Tile Mr Mammal 165K subscribers Subscribe 93K views 1 month ago #osrs #FFFF0000 In this Guide for the Phantom Muspah on OSRS, I'll show you. Wasn't this patched few days after release? They reverted it to the point where if the boss is moving when he melees you he always hits a 0 now. Overall I think this boss is a really nice addition into the game. All forms of the Phantom Muspah. Great guide, looks nice, clean and updated. Ancient essence is a drop received from defeating the Phantom Muspah. maybe it's good with other weapons too. The Phantom Muspah is a solo boss that can be fought after completion of the quest Secrets of the North. Was curious what other irons think about it. It feels like only a couple of weeks ago we were paying Eblis a visit after securing our 1 in 50 Ancient Icon drop from the grumbler Phantom Muspah. Elite void at Muspah. Instead of focusing on smite for maybe 2/3 second time off focus on positioning your. Count 6 tiles away from the stalagmite on the south wall and mark the tile. If you die during the battle, your grave will appear outside in the Ghorrock. I lost my crystal gear/corrupted bofa upon death. Avoidable damage includes: Lightning Cloud damage. You can access it via Boss teleports. All forms of the Phantom Muspah. During Melee Phase, the Magic defense should be +0 or +10. It's a beast that is literally conjured into reality from the nightmare of an Elder God, and the one you fight isn't even a real one. Avg is probably like 3:40-4:00 range. Killing Phantom Muspah (Twisted bow) The listed profit rate assumes 20 kills per hour, but up to 26 is possible with maxed stats and gear. OSRS Phantom Muspah Boss Guide | Oldschool Runescape - YouTube 0:00 / 6:56 OSRS Phantom Muspah Boss Guide | Oldschool Runescape King Condor 53. Zaryte vambraces are a pair of vambraces requiring 80 Ranged and 45 Defence to wear. Only thing I struggle with is the mage def on melee phase. An advanced guide for killing the Phantom Muspah with a Bowfa setup. Requiring level 80 in Ranged to wield, it is made by combining five venator shards. The uniques seem reasonable for what they are, and only the essence and shard are tradeable. That helped a lot! Needed to mark the diamond shape 4 tiles for bowfa when running in melee form and the tile for clouds. Plus the 107% xp bonus from muspah just got me 99 range real quick :P. What’s supposed to be a vorkath tier. Saw a few references to this method but never really saw any good examples or explanations anywhere. The frozen cache is a drop received from defeating the Phantom Muspah. ago. Although many enemies that use one also use the other. Ive seen a few sub 2 minute kills with just camping bowfa. Bring your best mage switches for the phase where he melees you. Phantom Muspah Speed-Runner. Muphin is a pet dropped by the Phantom Muspah, and is a much smaller version of it. I hit about 100 kills on Muspah this weekend and have been overall liking the boss. Boss renamer or something like that. Muspah with crystal + bofa is enjoyable and good money. Muphin is a pet dropped by the Phantom Muspah, and is a much smaller version of it. Avg 3:40 on my kills. Phantom Muspah Day 1 Quick Guide OSRS FCASandChill 533 subscribers 74 8. Master: Phantom Muspah Master: Kill the Phantom Muspah 50 times. . It can also be obtained by mining ancient essence crystals in the Ghorrock Dungeon with 75 Mining, granting 13. We're adjusting the melee behaviour slightly so that. Quick guide on the Muspah Smite Skip, or Muspah Prayer Skip, whatever you prefer to call it! Also some tips on the wave special at the end. Following the release of Tombs of Amascut's drop mechanics last year, we. Ranged is the best style to use, as it has the highest DPS against the final phase. It can also be obtained by mining ancient essence crystals in the Ghorrock Dungeon with 75 Mining, granting 13. Feet: up. 5 Mining experience. Up. It is the leftover energy of the Strange Creature that manifested after the events of the quest. The spawning mechanics differ between Java and Bedrock editions. Soul Split is an overhead prayer currently used by two bosses: Nex and the Phantom Muspah. . I tried out a few metho. Struggling with Phantom Muspah. Enchanted sapphire dragon bolts have a chance of triggering the Clear Mind effect. The dungeon houses the entrance to a prison unsealed following the events of the Secrets of the North quest, with a squad of Khazard Soldiers commanded. Faithful Oak 0 Faithful Oak 0 Unverified Member; 0 8 posts; Posted February 12 0 Share this post. . The strange creature is a shapeshifted form of the dreaming Mahjarrat Jhallan, fought during the quest Secrets of the North. Simply search for the NPC name and we'll return the ID you need. My Gear setup for Phantom Muspah. idk how masori compares but it's been fun to profit with no loss risk. · Players can use Blood Spells to heal when freezing the boss during the melee phase. Had to pay 1,3m to get items back. Profit or loss from creating pouches from spines is not included. • 6 mo. . . Update: They changed the melee behavior where walking the Muspah makes you take 0 damage. Some of the alch and supply drops do seem a lil excessive. I need one that turns him into Shrek. Phantom Muspah buff/nerf options. Upon killing a spectral NPC, players. It is the leftover energy of the Strange Creature that manifested after the events of the quest. Muspah is a different story. 3K views 4 weeks ago #OSRS This is a quick rough guide for how to kill the phantom muspah boss in OSRS. Mage level has the heaviest weighting of all 3 of the above mentioned and attack helps a little with accuracy for melee, but strength is the primary dps increase for that since accuracy is multiplicative and max hits are just max hits. Effects [edit | edit source]. The profit rate assumes 700 kills per hour. Seen some people using sapphire bolts though. Phantom Muspah Speed-Chaser. To compensate, we've reverted the accuracy nerf we included with last week's hotfix. • When. Today I show you different ways to make MILLIONS with this new boss! if you use Sapphire Bolts, Smite, Ancient mace, etc, you are still met with the chat message "The Phantom Muspah's prayer shield mitigates regular damage". As the dust begins to settle, we're making a few adjustments to the boss mechanics and loot. It is made by bringing the ancient icon and staff to Eblis. Does the ‘Freeze Resistance’ also affect freeze duration? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Atreides_Jr. This is the boss. It’s more mechanically challenging than Vorkath but also much more forgiving if you make a mistake. Half of Reddit is saying this isn’t a real mid level boss because it’s too hard. Subscribe for more! The venator bow is a two-handed ranged weapon that was once used by the venators, who were hunters and scouts that served the Zarosian Empire. By counting ticks and moving awa. Phantom Muspah Speed-Runner is a grandmaster combat achievement which requires the player to kill the Phantom Muspah in less than 1 minute and 30 seconds without being on a Slayer task. It took 33 hours to gather all 5 shards. . Soul Split. Once used on Muphin,. . This was our big annual winter update, and it’s already dead content. Thralls pair well with this method and you can also use corruption for the prayer phase. All forms of the Phantom Muspah. The biggest problem with mage for a long time, other than supply costs, has been how mage accuracy works. Phantom Muspah slayer task? 2 comments. It has a similar. ago. Phantom Muspah. The Phantom Muspah is a solo boss that can be fought after completion of the quest Secrets of the North. 95 range / 90 def / 96 hp / 73 prayer. Phantom Muspah Melee Phase Change. The ancient icon is an untradeable drop received from defeating the Phantom Muspah, who can be fought upon completion of Secrets of the North. Spike spawn damage. You disregard the fact that PnM is 10 times harder and kills take 3 times as long. This allows spells like Saradomin Strike or Corruption spells to not splash on the shield. Instead of keeping my crystal gear/bofa upon death my. Strategy [edit | edit source] Having a twisted bow and tumeken's shadow are essentially required for the task due to their high damage against the Muspah. Phantom Muspah DPS calculations (All Methods) If I missed any commonly used gear calcs at this boss feel free to comment and i'll add them to the calculations. I may make a more in depth video on the 1:30 for various gear set-ups in the future if there is demand. Versatile Drainer is a elite combat achievement which requires the player to drain the Phantom Muspah's prayer with three different sources in one kill. Bowfa only works fine; it gives more room for food, just kite the boss. Venator. Obtained as a drop from Nex, the vambraces are the best-in-slot offensive gloves for rangers, surpassing Barrows gloves. The force muspah is a Magic-based creature encountered. The saturated heart is an upgraded version of the imbued heart, created by combining it with 150,000 ancient essence. So i just stick with range only since it's generally easier. Special effect [edit | edit source]. I am using full crystal, bowfa, anguish and ahrims during my attempts. Your actual profit may be higher or lower depending on your speed. Phantom Muspah Master. ago. Five shards are combined to create the Venator bow. Ofc be sure to use the Occult Necklace if you can, I'm just 91 Slayer ironman so I don't have it :(Hopefully this kill gives you an idea on how to fight it a. . Part of the Masori armour set, the fortified body requires level 80 Ranged and Defence to equip, and boasts increased defence bonuses and a +1. The player can further speed up the drain by using various prayer-draining methods, such as the Smite prayer or the ancient mace. Hiscores. As muspah is charging the explosion attack before prayer phase, you can get 2 tbow hits off (the second needs to be at most tile away from muspah to minimize travel time). Master: Space is Tight: Kill. But not the Phantom Muspah, that's simply "spectral". Muspah slayer guide | Runescape 3An oldie but a goldie, they are still a consistent moneymaker!My slayer data spreadsheet Ghorrock Dungeon is an icy dungeon located underneath Ghorrock which is uncovered by the player during the Secrets of the North quest. As the salamander's attack range is 1, players must use the step-back method to avoid. 92K subscribers 42K views 1 month ago Hey all and welcome to my in-depth guide to the entire fight for the new boss. The content available in each of those brackets wouldn't make sense. x a hit of 23 will cause it to heal 11 health. The Armadyl crossbow is a ranging weapon that requires a Ranged level of 70 to wield, and can fire up to and including dragon bolts. Muspah slaps hard though, so keep at it until you learn the changes. Meaning the Phantom Muspah is still very accurate if the boss isn't moving when it hits you. If the second hit would have killed the boss, the prayer phase is skipped and muspah is put on 1 hp. Oof that's unlucky. • 6 mo. Rewards [edit | edit source]. Yes I sat at my computer all day! 330 kill in, 2 shards, 5 chests, 8 icons. Rune crossbow switch for prayer phase. More than just a ranged weapon is a master combat achievement which requires the player to kill the Phantom Muspah via the use of salamanders. Make sure to stay away from the stationary spawns throughout the fight to avoid getting insta hit by them. Taking 0 damage from Muspah Melee's: tile to dodge shadow phase on the brand new Phantom Muspah bossThe NEW Boss the Phantom Muspah is here! The Repeatable boss from the new quest Secrets of the North!Phantom Muspah Guide // Phantom Muspah Day 1 Guide // Ph. Muphin Muphin is a pet dropped by the Phantom Muspah, and is a much smaller version of it. Add a Comment. Before yesterday, I had over 600 Vorkath KC and a fire cape, and that was pretty much it for somewhat difficult bossing. I hadnt died all day there so there was absolutely no items to even lose through gravestone. It is dropped only by Commander Zilyana. It can be brought to Eblis alongside the ancient staff to upgrade it to the ancient sceptre . By Faithful Oak, February 12 in Guides. The bladed muspah is a Melee-based creature encountered. Graardors-Dad • 6 mo. Venator.